Call this the Best Soccer Dribbling Drill is a big statement, but this is one drill that I have used over and over again because

* It is fun
* It is competitive
* It is challenging
* It teaches the players how to look for space and exploit it

When I first started using this drill, I was astounded that the players prefer this to a game. Believe it or not, its true, that my players have demanded to play this drill rather than have a game

One of the many challenges for coaches of junior soccer is getting players to have an awareness of what is going on around them while they have the ball at their feet.

This is one of two drills that I have used time and time again to teach players to keep their heads up whilst dribbling, and has always been fun for the players as well as teaching valuable skills.

This drill is so much better than have players dribble in and out of cones as it will teach them to get a feel for the ball and a feel for the space near them that they can exploit

The players find this particular drill quite challenging, and the competitive nature of the drill ensures enthusiastic participation


* Mark out a square about 20 yards by 20 yards (the size of the square depends on the number of players, and their age)

* Have half the players on one side of the square with a ball each. These players are the Attackers

* Have the other half of the players spread out in the square. These players are Crabs

* The players in the square have to sit down and support themselves with their hands. These players are the Crabs and can walk around using their hands and feet

On the coaches command each player dribbles to the opposite side and stops the ball on the line opposite them. "The Crabs" try and get the ball off the Attackers and if they do so the Attacker becomes a Crab The game keeps going until there is only one Attacker left, who is the winner.

Its a simple but effective way to make players

* dribble with their heads up
* get past the defenders(Crabs)
* avoid colliding with each other

as they travel across the square

You can have a tremendous amount of fun with this drill and teach a number of important aspects of dribbling with the ball.

A side effect is that the Crabs will also learn the importance of teamwork to deny attackers space and dispose them of the ball, so it really is a win-win situation!

NB : Actually, i didn't write this tip/article, but i got this tip/article when my coach taught this and gave it to me.

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