Alessandro Rosa Vieira, known as Falcao. He was born in Sao Paulo June 8, 1977. He is a Brazilian football and futsal player. He started his football career with Corinthians in 1992. His great ability earned him a place in the Brazilian national futsal team. In 2004 and 2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup, Falcao was recognized by FIFA as the world's best Futsal Player. He is known for his flashy and potent dribbling skills and a powerful and accurate left foot. His height is 1.77 m and his weight 74 kg.

After a brief spell in Libertadores Cup 2005 with Sao Paulo Futebol Clube, Falcao returned to Futsal and nowadays he represents Malwee/Jaragua, a team from Jaragua do Sul that won the Liga Futsal (Brazilian Futsal Championship) in 2005. In 2008 he helped the Brazilian National Futsal Team win the FIFA Futsal World Cup for the fourth times. He also scored more than 270 goals in more 150 appearances for the national futsal team of Brazil.

Clubs Represented
  • Corinthians (1992 to 1996)
  • GMChevrolet (1997 and 1998)
  • Atletico-MG (1999)
  • Rio de Janeiro (1999)
  • Sao Paulo (200)
  • Banespa (2000 to 2002)
  • Malwee/Jaragua (2003 to 2005)
  • Played regular football (soccer) with Sao Paulo during the first half of 2005
  • Malwee/Jaragua (present day)

Medal and Honor (Club Teams)
  • Young Guns Club Brunswick West: 1998-2009
  • Club World Championship: 2000
  • South American Championship: 2001 and 2004
  • Liga Futsal: 2005
  • Liga Nacional: 1999
  • Brazilian Club Cup: 1998, 2003 and 2004
  • Sao Paulo City Cup: 1995, 1998 and 2002
  • Paulista Championship: 1995, 1997, 2000 and 2001
  • Mineiro Championship: 1999
  • Catarinense Championship: 2003
  • Metropolitan Championship: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001
  • Topper Sao Paulo Cup: 1997 and 2001
  • Football: Won the Paulista Championship and the Libertadores Cup 2005, with Sao Paulo Futebol Clube

Medal and Honor (National Team)
  • Futsal Mundialito: 2001
  • Nations Cup: 2001
  • RJ International Cup: 1998
  • American Cup: 1998 and 1999
  • South American Championship: 2000
  • Latin Cup: 2003
  • Tigers 5-Singapore: 1999
  • Egypt Tournament: 2002
  • Thailand Tournament: 2003
  • PAN American Games: 2007
  • Grand Prix de Futsal: 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
  • KL World 5's-Malaysia: 2008
  • FIFA Futsal World Cup: 2008


Cara melakukannya adalah dengan menggunakan sisi dalam kaki, kekuatan operan pendek hanya terbatas dan terbatas pada jarak-jarak yang pendek. Untuk jarak yang jauh, anda harus menggunakan sisi atas kaki, suatu keterampilan yang sulit dan harus tepat.

Namun, jenis operan bola ini lebih menuntut timing daripada kekuatan. Contoh pemain yang dapat melakukannya dengan sangat baik ialah Beckenbauer, Krol, Beckham dan Sneijder merupakan contoh yang baik. Mereka nampaknya seperti menendang bola sejauh 40 yard tanpa berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh. Seperti halnya pukulan pada bola golf, yang penting di sini adalah timing (perhitungan waktu/saat/momen). Anda dapat mengetahui apakah bola itu terkena dengan baik dari suara benturannya, seperti seorang pemain tennis yang dapat mengetahuinya dari suara bola dan rasanya pada raketnya.

Kunci untuk mahir dalam melakukan Operan Panjang (Long Pass) adalah dengan melakukan latihan pada jarak-jarak pendek, misalnya sekitar 15 yard, lalu belajar menendang bola itu secara bersih dan keras, perlahan-lahan tingkatkan jarak menjadi 20, 30, sampai 40 yard, setelah melakukan beberapa kali. Jika anda menendang bola sekuat tenaga, itu salah karena bola akan meluncur dengan cepat.

Untuk melakukan tendangan tinggi, kaki anda harus mengenai bola di bawah garis tengahnya. Untuk melakukan tendangan rendah, anda harus mengenai bagian tengah bola. Kaki anda agak diayunkan dengan jari-jari kaki ditekuk ke bawah dan anda tidak memiringkan badan ke belakang seperti halnya dalam tendangan tinggi. Dalam tendangan rendah, anda harus memikirkan jarak, bukan ketinggian bola.

Satu petunjuk untuk memudahkan anda; letakkan bola dengan merknya atau suatu tanda khusus yang vertikal. Kemudian tendanglah bola itu dengan tali-tali sepatumu pada sudut yang sama. Titik hantaman terhadap bola akan sedikit berubah-ubah sesuai arah operan anda, tetapi prinsipnya akan tetap sama.


Worried about getting older? There's a simple, all natural way to reverse the signs of aging and keep your entire body in shape. What is this fountain of youth? Strength training.

No matter what your fitness goal are, a well-rounded fitness program will include cardiovascular, muscle strengthening, and flexibility exercises. Here are just a few of the health benefits of strength training :

More Strength. Lifting weight improves the body's overall ability to complete the tasks of daily life, carrying groceries, playing with the kids, climbing the stairs, cleaning the house. It also boost stamina and reduces fatigue. For athletes and sports enthusiasts, strength training has been shown to improve overall performance as well as reduce the risk of injury.

Less Disease. Strengthening exercises are safe and effective for people of all ages, including those with health concerns like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, or arthritis. Many people with health conditions have reported a decrease in symptoms when they routinely lift weight.

Weight training can improve cardiovascular health by lowering bad LDL cholesterol, increasing good HDL cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure. It can also improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23% in just four months.

As we age, our bones lose density and become more fragile. Bone density peaks between the ages of 25 to 35 and begins to decline around age 40. By stressing the muscles, strength training has proven effective in increasing bone density and strengthening tendons and ligaments, which reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and bone fractures.

More Muscle. Most people begin to lose muscle mass after the age of 30, at a rate of 1-2% a year. Although aging is inevitable, you can slow and even reverse the loss of muscle mass by lifting weights.

Less Fat. Greater muscle mass also means less fat and better weight control. For each pound of muscle you gain, you can burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. Because muscle burns three times the calories as fat, strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which promotes long-term weight loss. Without the boost in metabolism, you will likely gain 10% more weight and fat as each decade passes.

More Joy. Strength training has been shown to improve self-esteem and body image and create a sense of well-being. A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling. A good workout has even proven as effective in treating depression as some anti-depressant medications, without the cost or dangerous side effects.

Less Injury. In addition to building strength, weight-lifting increases flexibility, balance and joint stability, which decrease the risk of falls and other injuries. A 12-year study showed that strengthening the low back muscles had an 80% success rate in eliminating or alleviating low back pain.

More Sleep. A strenuous session of strength training can reduce insomnia and greatly improve sleep quality. Daily exercise helps people fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply, awaken less often, and sleep longer.

Getting Started

If you're new to strength training, here are a few exercises you can try without investing in dumbbells, a gym membership, or expensive equipment. As you grow stronger, expand your repertoire to include more strenuous exercises, weight machines and free weights. Be sure to check with your doctor before you start lifting weights if you have any medical conditions or a history of injuries or illnesses.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your hands on hips and your back straight. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle, leaning your body forward. Keep your knees in line with your feet and your heels down. Push back up to the starting position and repeat.


Stand with one foot in front of the other, hips forward, and your arms by your side. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees to bring your front knee over your front foot. Return to the starting position and repeat. Try holding weights for extra resistance.


Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet on the floor, and your hands behind your ears. Exhale to slowly curl your shoulders forward toward your knees. Inhale as you lower yourself to the ground. Keep your abs tight and your lower back on the floor throughout the motion.

Tricep Dips

Place your hands on the edge of a sturdy bench or chair. With your back straight and close to the chair and your knees bent to a 90-degree angle, slowly lower yourself down until your arms form a 90-degree angle. Push back up until your arms are almost straight and repeat.

Push Up

Place your hands under your shoulders (or slightly wider to work the chest more). Beginners keep your knees on the floor, while more advanced exercisers should keep their knees up and their body in a straight line with your weight on your toes. Bend your arms to lower your body, keeping your abs pulled in and your spine straight. Exhale to push back up to the starting position.

Strength training exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. And it only takes 15-20 minutes two or three times a week to get results. With dozens of health benefits, weight-lifting can help your age gracefully into yours 30s, 40s, 50, and beyond.

By : Meghan Vivo


Sepakbola itu permainan team. Dan operan bola yang menghubungkan para pemain itu. Anda memerlukan operan yang baik untuk melakukan gerakan menyerang, dan sebaliknya, operan-operan yang tidak tepat merupakan penyebab paling utama bagi gagalnya serangan.

Ada dua faktor utama dalam operan bola. Yang pertama agaknya cukup jelas, tetapi anak-anak muda selalu tidak menyadari kenyataan bahwa operan-operan bola itu tak selalu ditujukan kepada seorang pemain. Dalam sebuah situasi pertandingan, banyak operan bola yang ditujukan ke ruangan supaya dapat dikejar oleh kawan bermain, langsung ke kaki atau ke depan kawan bermain tersebut.

Bobot atau kekuatan operan bola itu sama penting dengan arahnya. Operan yang lemah akan dicegat, atau yang mungkin kurang baik, menghadapkan calon penerima pada kemungkinan 50-50% dengan lawannya, ini dinamakan 'bola rumah sakit (the hospital ball)'. Operan bola yang ditendang terlalu kuat akan sulit mengontrolnya bagi si penerima atau jika ditendang ke ruang yang kosong mungkin akan sulit diraih. Kita dapat mengatakan bahwa operan yang baik adalah operan yang tidak menimbulkan masalah bagi si penerima.

Operan dasar yaitu operan pendek (short pass), cara yang paling aman dan umum untuk memindahkan bola pada jarak-jarak yang relatif pendek. Setiap pemain menggunakannya dalam pertandingan, pemain tengah (midfielder) menggunakannya puluhan kali, bahkan bisa sampai ratusan dalam satu pertandingan.

Menarik juga untuk dikemukakan dan dipelajari, perbandingan antara permainan sepakbola mutu tinggi dengan mutu rendah menunjukkan bahwa pada permainan tingkat tinggi lebih banyak operan bola pendek dan di atas tanah. Makin baik standar permainannya, makin sering operan pendek ini digunakan. Contoh yang baik untuk kita lihat adalah Barcelona.

Seperti yang kita tahu, Barcelona seringkali memainkan operan-operan (passing) pendek dengan cepat dan akurat dengan beberapa kombinasi. Sehingga, saat ini Barcelona memiliki daya serang yang paling ampuh dan berbahaya dibandingkan team-team dunia lainnya. Tidak heran, pada tahun 2009 lalu, Barcelona sanggup meraih enam gelar/piala dalam satu musim. Hal yang sulit diraih oleh team-team dunia manapun, dan Barcelona sendiri merupakan team pertama dalam sejarah yang meraih enam gelar/piala dalam satu musim.

Melakukan operan pendek dengan tepat berkali-kali merupakan langkah penting dalam usaha menguasai operan bola ini. Prakteknya mungkin tidak begitu menggairahkan. Tetapi, jika anda beranggapan tidak memerlukannya, anda akan sering tidak mengenai sasaran dengan melakukan 20 operan pendek.

Dalam melakukan operan pendek, dasarnya harus konsentrasi, seimbang dan teknik. Anda akan melakukannya puluhan kali dalam satu pertandingan, dan tak ada yang mengharapkan operan jelek. Bagian dalam kaki memberikan ketepatan serta menyediakan bidang luas untuk menyentuh bola.


Drinking water is so important for good health. When you were a kid in school, you learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You may also have learned that it was great fun to fill up your squirt guns with water, at least until your principal caught you. What you may not have learned, however, was how much water you needed in order to be a healthy human being.

Why You Need to Drink Water

Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste and protects your joints and organs.

Signs of Dehydration

You lose water through urination, respiration and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need.

Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

How Much Water do You Need to Drink?

A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if your weight 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If you exercise, you should drink another eight ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink alcohol, you should drink at least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to drink eight ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane. If you live in an arid climate, you should add another two servings per day. As you can see, your daily need for water can add up to quite a lot.

Twenty percent of your water need will come from the foods you eat. The rest of your water need should come from the beverages you drink. Water is the best choice. Sodas have a lot of sugar in them, so if you drink sodas, you may take in more calories than you need. Herbal teas that aren't diuretics are fine. Sport drinks contain electrolytes and may be beneficial, just look out for added sugar and calories that you don't need. Juices are good because they have vitamins and nutrients.

Caffeinated beverages will also add to your daily water need. Even though caffeine is a diuretic, if you regularly consume caffeine, your body will regulate itself to that diuretic effect.

Drink Enough Water

It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but watch for extra calories.


Francesec "cesc" Fabregas i Soler adalah seorang pemain sebakbola dari Spanyol yang saat ini bermain untuk Arsenal. Lahir di Villasar de Mar, Barcelona pada tanggal 4 Mei 1987, Fabregas bermain sepakbola pertama kali untuk tim idolanya sejak kecil, Barcelona. Awalnya Fabregas bermain sebagai gelandang bertahan di Barcelona Junior dan mencetak 30 gol lebih, namun dia tidak pernah dipanggil untuk bermain di Barcelona's First Team.

Merasa tidak banyak memiliki kesempatan bermain, Fabregas bergabung dengan Arsenal pada September 2003. Awalnya dia kesulitan beradaptasi dengan kehidupan di Inggris, saat itu dia berusia 16 tahun. Dan Fabregas tidak langsung masuk ke skuad inti, dia masih berkonsentrasi dengan latihan dan belajar bahasa inggris.

Meskipun Arsenal menjuarai Liga dengan tidak terkalahkan pada musim 2003-2004, Fabregas tidak mendapatkan medali karena tidak bermain di Liga satu kali pun. Setelah Patrick Vieira pindah ke Juventus, Fabregas menerima kostum nomor 4 dan menjadi figur penting di lapangan tengah bersama Gilberto Silva. Meskipun masih berusia muda, namun penampilannya di lapangan sangat memukau.

Tahun 2006-07 merupakan masa-masa pembelajaran bagi skuad Young Guns dan Fabregas. Young Guns gagal meraih gelar lagi pada musim 2006-07, sama seperti pada musim 2005-06, kecuali piala FA. Dan Fabregas menjelma menjadi pemain kunci serta kreatif bagi Arsenal. Fabregas merupakan seorang Playmaker dan dia sangat ahli dalam "Passing Range" dan membuat assist. Dia merupakan bagian vital dari kubu Arsenal, dia memiliki visi, kreativitas serta confidence yang sangat matang di usia yang masih muda.

Awalnya Fabregas sangat berbeda dengan pendahulunya, karena dia lebih memetingkan skill daripada kekuatan. Hal ini yang membuat dia mendapat banyak kritik, termasuk dari mantan koleganya, Ashley Cole. Ashley Cole menyebut Fabregas dalam Autobiografinya sebagai "An Unproven featherweight". Hal ini disebabkan karena dia kurang agresif.

Namun, statistik permainan Fabregas meningkat seiring waktu dan dia menjadi lebih agresif tanpa meninggalkan visi dan kreatifitas dia sebagai jendral lapangan tengah. Pada tanggal 24 November 2008, Fabregas menggantikan peran William Gallas sebagai kapten.

Gelar Dan Penghargaan

  • FA Cup : 2005
  • FA Community Shield : 2004

  • UEFA European Championship : 2008

  • FIFA U-17 World Championship Golden Ball : 2003
  • FIFA U-17 World Championship Golden Shoe : 2003
  • UEFA European U-17 Football Championship Golden Player : 2004
  • Bravo Award : 2006
  • UEFA Team of The Year : 2006, 2008
  • Premier League player of The Month : January 2007, September 2007
  • ESM Team of the Year : 2007-08
  • PFA Young Player of The Year : 2007-08
  • PFA Team of The Year : 2007-08
  • UEFA Team of The Tournament : 2008


What do C.Ronaldo, Kaka', Messi, Fabregas, Xavi, Zidane, Ronaldinho and company all have in common?

They have the ability to receive the ball with the greatest of ease and like a great chess player, the ability to think five steps ahead of the game leaving everyone behind in their dust.

Many players will concentrate on passing and shooting but how many players practicing receiving the ball?

Is receiving the ball important?

Believe it or not, this is what separates the great players from the average.

Why? The modern game of soccer today is played at a frantic pace.

Super conditioned athlete's battle over the smallest of inches.

Games are won and lost in a split second.

The days of old when you could have a cup of tea while receiving the ball are gone. Spend more than a couple of seconds trying to control the ball and the chance of you being dispossessed increase exponentially.

Spending more time on the ball without clear possession could result in a meeting with your opponent's studs or cleats. Remember, you could have a couple of second to control the ball. Count it, 1 cat and dog, 2 cat and dog, would you have control the ball?

Let's take this a step further shall we?

C.Ronaldo and company can receive the ball and have it under control in a split second. Simultaneously they can calculate where their opponent is and where the pressures coming from.

They know where to go and which direction they must turn.

The free space is calculated down to the very last blade of grass.

Do they sprint or shield the ball?

Do they attack or simply build up the play?

The modern day soccer player can have all this information processed within a blink of an eye.

The modern player has the ability to receive the ball using his feet, thighs, chest and head. When receiving the ball, you must try and maintain an open stance. Do you know why?

An open stance keeps you balanced and gives you the ability to use both sides of the body. So, how do you remain to balanced when receiving the ball?

Always stand with your feet shoulder width apart and never be flat footed. Just before receiving the ball, lean forward on your toes of your feet and extend your arms for balance while keeping your head up and relaxed.

This covers the basic mechanics of receiving the ball. Do you agree?

How many different ways can you receive the ball?

To page 2....
From : soccermastermind.com

DID YOU KNOW (2) ???

1. In 1908, Soccer was made an Olympic event.
(Pada tahun 1908, Sepakbola masuj event Olimpiade)

2. AC Milan set an Italian record for playing the most games without loosing. They were unbeaten for 58 games.
(AC Milan membuat rekor di Italia karena bermain tanpa pernah kalah. AC Milan tidak terkalahkan sebanyak 58 pertandingan)

3. Mexico was the first country to host two World Cups.
(Mexico satu-satunya negara yang menyelenggarakan 2 Piala Dunia)

4. Just days before the World Cup of 1966, the trophy was stolen and then later retrieved by a dog.
(Sehari sebelum Piala Dunia 1966, trofi Piala Dunia dicuri dan kemudian ditemukan oleh seekor anjing)

5. Sylvinho won his first cap when Wales played Brazil in Cardiff on May 2000.
(Sylvinho memenangkan caps perdananya ketika Brazil melawan Wales di Cardiff, Mei 2000)

6. East Germany first appeared in the World Cup finals in 1974.
(Jerman Timur muncul pertama kali di Piala Dunia pada tahun 1974)

7. Jamaica is nicknamed the "Regaa Boyz".
(Nama sebutan tim Jamaika adalah "Regaa Boyz")

8. Argentina's most successful team is River Plate.
(Klub sepakbola Argentina yang paling sukses adalah River Plate)

9. Johan Cruyff became the European Footballer of the year three times.
(Johan Cruyff memenangkan pemain terbaik Eropa sebanyak 3 kali)

10. A Rooster, the symbol of the French team, was thrown onto the field by a fan during the World Cup match between France and Canada on 1 June, 1986. The Rooster was dead when the referee removed it out of the pitch. France won the match 1-0.
(Seekor ayam jantan, simbol dari tim Perancis, dilemparkan ke lapangan oleh seeorang fan selama pertandingan Piala Dunia antara Perancis melawan Canada pada 1 Juni 1986. Ayam jantan itu mati ketika wasit mengambil dan mengeluarkan dari lapangan. Perancis memenangkan pertandignan itu dengan skor 1-0)


Billy Wingrove, is a British Football Pro-Freestyler. Born 15 November 1982 in London, England. Billy began learning his football freestyle skills as a child. Beginning with the standard keepie uppie skills in the local park, Billy would stay behind when all his friends had gone home, to practice some extravagant football skills that would impress his friends and family.

Billy comes from a football family, but unlike his father, who played for Tottenham Hotspur and cousin who played for Arsenal, Billy preferred to use and express his skills as an individual instead of as part of a team, although his talents have still established him with local semi-professional sides.

As he grew older he learned more and more tricks and became part of the network of young football freestylers in the London area. In 2003, Billy entered the NIKE freestyle competition in London Earl's Court, and out of 6,000 contestants, he reached the semi-finals.

He began to study and copy some of the tricks shown on TV by Ronaldo, Romario and the rest of the Brazil squad in the famous Nike 'Airport' commercial. Billy has been working as a "professional" football freestyler since the 2003 NIKE Freestyle event in London.

Billy became the first football freestyler to be signed up as professional "Football Freestyler" by a professional with his friend Fidan Morina from Kosovo club. When Premiership team, Tottenham Hotspur signed him up. Billy displays and teaches his freestyle tricks and skills for Tottenham's coaching in the community schemes, corporate sponsors and on the pitch for half-time and pre-match entertainment for Premiership games. He has also appeared as half time entertainment for England international matches.

In 2005 Billy appeared in KDDI TV commercial with japanese footballer Shinji Ono. Shortly after this Billy appeared with Wayne Rooney for a Coca Cola promotion and was also featured J-league stars in Japanese football magazine "Footival". Billy work has also been featured in the UK magazines FourFourTwo and Match. Coca Cola, O2, Barclaycard, Disney, and Sky Sports have all since used Billy for promotions or advertising.

My Opinion :

Well, he is one of the best freestyler in the world. In Europe, his name was well-known. I learned a lot of cool trick from his video. Two thumbs up for Billy Wingrove.


Once upon a time, this skill was one of the most important components of soccer. However, in today's modern game with it's intricate patterns and elaborate coaching schemes, there are few opportunities for long sprints with the ball without being chopped in half. Still, in certain circumstances, fast runs with the ball can give a team invaluable advantages.

Let's admire Cristiano Ronaldo for a while.

The Madrid striker has supersonic speed and the safest ball control going around. He scores goals with the greatest of ease. But it's his ability to run with the ball that is his priceless asset.

Let us emphasize again that in the modern game we should aim at minimizing long runs with the ball which slow the game down unless they open up passages for the quick counter attack. When you run with the ball, usually you prod it in front of you with one of three parts of the foot; inside of the foot, full instep and outside of the instep. A player looking for a career in soccer must be able to use all three variations even if the full instep technique is rarely needed.

Inside of the foot

We push the ball with the same inside part of the foot that we use for passing. The ankle is loose and relaxed and the foot is turned slightly outwards. The ideal sequence is to use the same foot for every prod or touch of the ball with every second step. When a great player runs with the ball, he gives the illusion of the ball being tied to his foot, with the ball being under his body which gives his opponent no chance of intercepting the ball. Zidane and Figo were the best at this technique and it seemed like they never lost the ball.

Full Instep

This is the most difficult of the three techniques. We keep pushing and prodding the ball with the full instep about where the bootlaces are. The foot is turned down towards the ground and it hits the ball near the top. The real advantages of this method is that the running style is more continuous.

Outside of the Instep
The foot is turned inwards and we keep pushing the ball with the outside of the foot which all but embraces the ball. When the opponent is running alongside or parallel with us, we keep the ball on the foot away from him on his blind side, preferably with the inside of the foot or outside of the instep.

When the opponent is approaching directly ahead, we lead the ball with the inside, giving us a better chance to dribble past him. With beginners or kids begin coaching with the inside of the foot variety. First, let them walk with the ball, taking care of their balance, the distance between the foot and the ball and the direction. Later, when the kids get the hang of it we can speed this up, first through jogging and then running with the ball.

Let's teach youngsters to be able to use both feet. The ultimate is the player who can run with the ball, pushing it ahead of him with both feet, changing direction whenever necessary, slowing down and speeding up to get rid of an opponent. South Americans are the master of this technique, shielding the ball perfectly and changing directions with the slightest movement of the hips. The English on the other hand prefer the direct, energetic sprints which may appear more spectacular but where the ball may be lost from the foot.

When training youngsters always remember to encourage, be patient and train them with the biggest smile you can produce.

from : soccermastermind.com


Is soccer a sprint sport or an endurance sport?

Well, soccer is a complex combination of both and depends on the position, tactics, age, style or level of development.

Soccer speed is the ability to take off from any position with sharpness.

Soccer speed is also the ability to reach your top speed in the shortest time possible.

Soccer speed also includes change of direction and having the ability to stop rapidly and then have the ability to reach top speed again.

When we talk about speed in soccer, we're talking about leg speed. Leg speed is commonly referred to as the stride and the stride can be further broken down into stride length and stride frequency.

Many believes that speed is gifted through genetics. To some extent this is true. However, your stride can be improved.

How do you ask?

The most important aspect of the stride in relation to soccer is control. Controlling the stride is closely related to stride frequency.

Would a sprinter make a good soccer player?

Who knows, right? But i strongly doubt it.

Sprinters have a long stride, which is great for the 100 meter sprint and for straight lines. But can you adopt this to soccer?

Don't get me wrong here, speed is never a liability especially in soccer. However speed in soccer must be adaptable.

Soccer requires a compact stride with leg speed that enhances both control and the ability to change direction. The compact stride is also necessary for lightning stops and even quicker accelerations.

So, what sprint mechanics are ideal for soccer?

Sprint mechanics can be broken into 3 categories.

Posture, arm action and leg action.

Once you've established a controlled stride with quick leg speed, you can improve this through pattern running workouts. These workouts replicate the stopping, starting, planting and cutting from different positions required for soccer.

Sprinting in a match is defined as the highest movement speed attained and also referred to as your top speed. Elite soccer players sprint approximately 15.8% of the total distance covered in a match. The rest comprises of 3/4 pace, jogging, walking, and even standing.

The challenge we face in soccer is combining the worlds of a sprinter and the endurance runner without ever compromising our sharpness.

So set up the cones and fall in love with your sprint workouts.

"May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars".

from : soccermastermind.com
